If they care about you, they will show it

If they care about you, they will show it

It has happened too many times to us. Be careful who you trust because when they say they will be your friends forever, they can let you down. ~ Dawn Prescott

Don’t let cynicism and mistrust cloud your own generous heart, just love more, give more, smile a lot and expect nothing in return . You will attract people like you. ~ Marj Henry

Sometimes the fear of rejection, can stop you from doing what you want to and should do. ~ Tony Cox

If one does put the effort in and tries to stay in contact with little or no effort from the other then it becomes one sided love and or friendship You have just wasted a lot of energy and affection on someone who has not really cared and maybe even found you a nuisance, but at least you gave it your best and should just move on. ~ Diane Redmond

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