Not everyone has the same heart as you

Not everyone has the same heart as you

At least the ones with the good heart can sleep good at night knowing that they have done the best they can for people.
You don’t do it expecting anything in return. You do it because it is the right thing to do. ~ Daniel Walker 
There are some good people out there. It’s just finding them and keeping them in your life for more then a season. Sometimes the wrong people are put into our paths as lessons to be learned or because we need to humble ourselves. The thing we need to remember throughout the trial is to not let it change you. Be you and keep your head high, your heart strong loving giving and caring for others cause once you change, you allowed that trial that person or persons in your life for that small season to dictate your life for the years to come. Made you into something your weren’t. Which means you allowed someone else power to win and power over your choices. It’s your heart your choices. You live with in the end not theirs. Do want happiness or regret? ~ Heather Santos 

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