Sometimes you need to go off on my own

sometimes you need to go off on my own

I do it all the time. Mostly for me it’s to evaluate myself and my perspective. Good quality introspection is healthy. Make sure my actions and attitudes and thoughts are in line with the person I want and have grown to be. ~ Bobb Ackley

Sometimes I like to go off on my own just so I can recollect my thoughts and get away from anything that stresses me out, also to enjoy my own company. ~ Sheina De Leon

Everyone needs time alone sometimes. It helps make you a better person.

Being alone is a chance to be you and to keep your focus on you. Just to listen to the nature is the most beautiful therapy you can have, so be free. ~ Danielle Michaud

I need to have alone time everyday for a bit just to recharge and recentre myself so I am ready to go again the next day. ~ Debra Eaton

Sometimes I love my solitude. It does help cleanse all the junk out of my body and mind. I don’t have to go anywhere. I just enjoy my time alone at home. ~ Linda Sims

Everyone should take time to recharge their batteries. Life is like being the captain of a ship. Every now and then you need to check your bearings to ensure you are on the right course.

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