When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down & cry

I am strong enough to cry and accept that it is a wonderful way of washing away pain and sadness and making my eyes sparkle with delight when I am overcome with happiness and joy. Not sure why I laugh till I cry but I am working on gaining that understanding so I try to laugh to that point as often as possible gathering data for future reflection. My research to date suggests it is for prevention of sadness but the results are inconclusive right now. ~ Tricia Mark 

Sometimes just having a good cry and getting all out feels wonderful. Then get up and keep going. Bring a little bit of sunshine with you.

Many time in my life even I am hurt inside but I still managed to smile because I know when I smile the world will smile with me but when I am cry, well only me can see my tears. I love to smile it’s good for me and everyone around me. ~ Esmeralda Daniella 

There is a beauty in allowing oneself to express raw emotion through tears. I feel it’s much like the rain that supports the flowers and the grass to grow. ~ Bernadette Wilson 


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