The most expensive thing in the world is trust

Never hurt a friend who trusted you. Without trust, life is meaningless!

It’s sad when you invest so much time and energy into a relationship and time and again they throw you under the bus because of selfishness and disloyalty. ~ Angela Day 

I walked away from people who abused my trust. Life is so much peaceful without frenemies and user friendly people. ~ Betsi Sanders 

It takes months or years to gain trust through personal interaction and a moment to loose trust through a misunderstood message. How & what you communicate matters a lot in the era of social media. ~ Arvind Vijayaraghavan 

Honesty and Forgiveness are the best gifts we can give to someone & our time which can’t be replaced. People are more important than things in this life. Make a difference and keep smiling always. ~ Angie Goodwin 


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