Be with someone who knows exactly what they have when they have you

Be with someone who knows exactly what they have when they have you

What it says is be with someone who appreciates you now, not after you say, ‘hit the road, jack [or jerk]’ and then they realize they had a good thing and lost it. One must learn to take care of one’s self, so you don’t have to stay in these one-sided relationships. I never regretted my divorce or miss my ex-husband. I only miss being married. ~ Maria Corsi 

Love is a giving without expectation. Most of hat people call love is desire.

Once you don’t smile when you see them, they don’t make you laugh. It’s time to realize they are not for you. It may hurt to leave if you love them, but your inner happiness is worth more than unrequited love. ~ Veronica Coughlin 

It’s sad that a couple doesn’t become real friends first before taking it to that next level. There just might be less mistrust, unforgiveness and hurting people in this world. Build a relationship after a solid friendship is in place and if the relationship doesn’t survive, there will still be a vibrant friendship. Yes, it can happen. ~ David Manley 

Relationships are stronger and tend to last longer when both parties are afraid of losing one another.

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