Being positive in a negative situation

Being positive in a negative situation

I just got fired unfairly from my day job. I’m keeping a positive attitude and getting another job. I refuse to let misfortune break me. ~ Armando Valle 

When something that you think is bad happens it will probably lead you to something better, either by improving yourself or the conditions around you. You will find something better you’ll see, never settle for less. 

Don’t let things break you down. You are in control of your life nobody else, so if you want to be happy, be happy.

I have decided to be happy, nothing or no one will change that now. If people want to be in my life they are welcome to be my friend, but if I do not hear from them, then they do not want to be part of my life. We will see there is not much more I can say on the matter. ~ Verda Hedden 

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