Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

I faced many difficult roads in my life but with courage and determination I never gave up. Today I am happy, doing better than ever. You too can do the same. Keep a positive attitude and you will make it. ~ Brigitte Nicole

In order to get to a better place sometimes you have to go through some tough stuff but by going through, you often emerge better and stronger for it.

We need to cultivate the positive within us. It is only when we do that we can begin to transform suffering into the understanding and the compassion which brings healing. I have had this play out in my own life many, many times. In the midst of chaos and pain, I know that it is truly possible to experience peace and joy. It can and does happen. Those difficult roads can not only be transformed into beautiful places but when you look back on them, you often realize without them you would not have been able to experience the beautiful places. ~ Roni Antenucci

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