Enjoy the little things in your life

Enjoy the little things in your life

You never know what around the corner and make the most of life will you can.

Sometimes we get our priorities mixed up so put them in the right order and you will enjoy your life!

Big things are started from little things. Don’t say “there’s still time” because we may forget there’s also concept of “it’s too late”.

It’s called being present to the moment. Being fully aware of the now. Stopping and listening with your ears, your eyes and with your heart. ~ Marjorie Spencer 

We need to enjoy little things when young, playing with childhood friends, singing together out of tune, do funny things under the sun, staring at the stars together and sharing together each dreams of what will be or who will be them in the future. Sometimes it’s stop there, as years go by and meet again, then the seat and talk follows remembering all the things they enjoyed. It’s all in the mind, and in one side of our heart still had a part to again and again remember that happy moments. ~ Catalina Tolentino 

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