Girls are like apples on the tree

Girls are like apples on the tree

Girls are like apples on the tree…

I have been waiting for a very long time and there have been a few men that I have allowed in my life and should not have. This does not mean that I am a bad or easy apple. What it does mean, is that I need to wait. Not be out there on the hunt looking. Be the amazing women that we are and do not shrink to lower standards and the right one will come! That is the real message. Know your value! Know you are amazing, beautiful, courageous, smart! These are things I am willing to say, that I am continually working on. ~ Diane Stevenson 

The apple fell off the tree and landed on the ground. It’s easier to pick the apple off the ground than it is to climb a tree and pick one. The girls at the top are usually strong and intimidating and it takes a strong confident man to stand up and do what it takes to win her heart. ~ Rochelle Schulte 

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Girls are like apples on the tree

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