If people want to be around you, they would

If people want to be around you, they would

Sometimes it’s just a 2 minute phone call is all it takes to let someone know your still there.

This past year, I learned exactly what it’s like to truly be that busy. I was so busy most days I never even sat in my living room with my family. I was on the go. Doing so much I had no time for anything and the only time I actually sat down was while I was driving and eating dinner. So, yes, you absolutely can be too busy. It’s up to us to be understanding and maybe ask our family members and friends if they need help. Instead of getting angry that they don’t talk to you.
Just remember, there’s a difference between truly being busy and avoiding people. If someone is trying to make a connection with you, don’t blow them off. You don’t know how badly they need you. ~ Amy Evans 

When your busy it’s easy to forget about that text you scrolled past and the days just get away but there are no excuses when you are forgotten by a close friend who in turn included others, that sends a clear message on where you stand. Valuable lesson learned, no bitterness or hatred, just thankful to have others that care more and do take the time to share their love, loyalty and respect. ~ Andrea Cervantes 

Make time if the right ones are there or come into your life. It’s for a reason, don’t ignore or make excuses they will be there for you because they do more then care and there is some people that don’t know the reason that you don’t stay in touch so make the time not excuses. ~ Kristeen O’neil 

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