If your life isn’t perfect

If your life isn't perfect

Perfection is not of this earth. Having rain helps us appreciate the sunshine.

No one has a perfect life whether you are a millionaire or a pauper. When we get to heaven then we can say you have a perfect life with God. ~ Donetta Simmons 

If it wasn’t for love and understanding of it you would be nobody, love comes from the heart, something that is already there. Sometimes people underestimate us. If you let that happen you are silly, nobody unless they know you well knows how capable, efficient and loving that you are. No matter what disaster pops up in your life, you learn from it and so be it, but at least you know now and you do better. Therefore, it never changed who you originally were. It’s just certain people didn’t recognize that. ~ Melody Hogan 

Why do you think always that your life isn’t perfect when God himself has provided you with all comforts in life like a good job, a good relationship with your family members and a wonderful wife which you have ever thought of in your dreams often and successfully has won her Heart with your full affection which was given and taken by both of you. I am very grateful in getting a wonderful person like a Platinum the most costly and precious stone which I always craved to be with my full heart all through my life, as my life partner and will be thankful to God and all the loving and caring relatives for giving a good support for both of us from their good hearts which all of them have with in them. ~ Anitha Nair

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