In your life, at some point of time you are hurt

In your life, at some time you are hurt

Our failure teaches us more than our success.

I believe God smiled down at me and blessed my life. I have done all of the above and survived because I have learned from it all. I once was in position to have a second chance at life. I made no empty promises, I only said that I would never take this life for granted. I have not, why do say he blessed me? Well, I have survived cancer three times and remain cancer free today. I was shot and by all rights I should of died, he gave a second chance to live to do what I needed to make my life complete to make right. So, I believe that if you learn from your mistakes your will be truly blessed. Life is a journey of lessons on it’s way to death and I know I will die in peace. ~ Rebecca Valdez 

Life is full of mistakes, as long as we learn form it we are doing good.

That is what living is all about. When we learn we move ahead. Not to repeat the past mistakes, even if that means learning new ones in the future! Live! ~ Brenda Adams 

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