It’s better to get hurt by the truth

It's better to get hurt by the truth

And then find out the truth later. That’s hurts worse! ~ Annette Taylor 
Truth hurts for a couple of days. Lie’s last forever.
I have been hurt through lies over and over again, so I have reached a point where I thought for once, I will tell a lie myself, to find out how much I can trust the other person. I did not lie about my feelings for this person, but I was telling him some things about my live that was not true, it was nothing bad, but him and some other people turned it around to make it bad. Playing there games with my feelings and making jokes and I was glad I did not tell him something important about myself. Took me a while to get over it and heal. Well for one thing, know now that those people are not worth my thrust and I also know that I will not tell a lie again. I have tried it and it is not my thing and it made me feel terrible knowing I have told a lie, even if it was nothing bad to begin with, but there are always worse people out there who are just looking, to put someone down and make them small, so they can feel great and powerful! ~ Angelika Morea 
If you tell a lie, you have to tell another to prop the first lie up. When you tell lies, no matter the reason, they will usually come back to bite you in the butt. Tell the truth and it will set you free.

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