Never look at what you have lost in life

Never look at what you have lost in life

I’ve lost everything for about the 3rd time in my life due to unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances. The rug just keeps getting pulled out from under me, but, I keep telling myself, ” It’s just stuff.” I can get it all back after I pick myself up and dust myself off. Again, at least I’m not in the hospital with a broken body (like I have been the two times before) Most importantly; I’m OK. Unfortunately, its the “emotional loss” that I don’t ever quite seem to be able to be able to fill the hole, but again; I’m OK. ~ Tiffani Finklea 

I’m so glad to hear that someone who has been through so much is so positive. Myself and my family are going through the same situation and no matter how hard it is, we just have to be grateful we have each other. Even when people don’t understand and don’t want to help, we will persevere. As will you. ~ April Bellew 

Most of the times what you have lost occupies your mind and heart and the things left , you take that for granted . It unconsciously happens and you can’t do anything about it.

You have to get back up, brush yourself off and keep on going and don’t look back. Keep pushing forward!

Keep pushing forward keep reaching , when you have been to the lowest valley only only can you appreciate the highest mountain top and the feeling is wonderful.

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