Never stop believing in hope

Sometimes they are hard to see, so embrace each and every “different” moment that may just have been that special moment. I never forget to stop and say a little “thank you” at random moments that seem to give me a tickle for attention. ~ Eveline Forbes 

Hope you will not find inside you, or around you. You need to look up, that’s where your help, where your miracle is going to come from. ~ André Art 

We are blessed everyday. Look around you and you will see things in front of you. You do not have to mock people to get your message across. Be blessed with what you got or it will soon vanished. Keep your strength in God. ~ Marisa Alanis 

Believe in yourself and all things are possible. It is not easy coming from the depths of despair but, every day we live has a silver lining if we reach out and grasp it. YOU CAN DO IT. HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF. ~ Pauline Willis 


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