People who live for negativity

People who live for negativity

Think positive, then you attract positive people!
This is because the person that is bringing other people down has things in their life that they are unhappy with. So by looking and judging others lives and finding fault with anything they can makes them feel better about their own lives. So what they need to do is look into what is making them negative and unhappy in their own lives and change it, in doing this it will make them look at life through different eyes, more positive and happy ones.. Then they will hopefully see the positive side to life and everyone. ~ Lisa Nisbet 
The people that are negative I’ve noticed, are not happy with their lives. They’re always making negative statements about everyone. Those kind of people I keep distance & not get involved in negative conversations. I don’t go out of my way to establish a relationship with them. ~ Gwenn Jenkins 
Some people are just energy vampires. They just try to suck the soul out of everyone they come in contact with. They can’t radiate their own energy, so they pirate others. ~ Phil Justin 

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