The true mark of maturity

The true mark of maturity

Some people see you being so understanding as weakness and just take advantage.

Everyone react differently to different situations. Sometimes it’s worth your patience with others but sometimes silence and just walking away is the best option.

It shows a certain level of wisdom and maturity in addition to compassion and empathy to try and understand the actions of others especially when intentionally hurtful to ourselves or our loved ones, but that a person should own their choices, right or wrong, and if they seek to be understood then they should also seek to be forgiven through making a mends or in some way righting the wrongs they have done. The flip side to that is, even the most loving and compassionate people can be pushed to far and as someone else in this post stated, it then becomes a knee jerk reaction, something of a defense mechanism and in some instances a way to protect one self. I suppose it has a lot to do with the degree of hurt, the individual, and the circumstance. Maybe even something to do with how one was raised or taught, but at the end of the day we should treat others as we wish to be treated holds true and sometimes others need to be treated how they treat those around them in order to fully grasp the pain they caused, so it’s a toss up really. ~ Amare Timore 

I would go even one step further. Like another post said: If somebody corrects you and you feel upset (or hurt like in this case), then you have an ego problem. So by merely trying to understand the other person’s situation you are not looking at yourself first to see what caused you to feel hurt in the first place. Maybe you have a belief system that says things should be another way, and now you feel hurt. An enlightened person feels hurt, but goes within and knows that on a very deep level they create their own experience, so they do not seek to understand or find the cause in other people. ~ Pieter Sadie 

Its called being kind, compassionate and having understanding and empathy. Everyone has been hurt and some people push others away because they don’t want to hurt again. ~ Emma Jane

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