There comes a time when you have to stop

There comes a time when you have to stop

It just shows that they don’t even care or recognize your effort for them. Such people wouldn’t even mind giving you a help in times when you need it. So to be fair you need to stop & ignore them. You don’t want to waste your time with idiots insensitive cold heartless human beings. ~ Junefel Colonia 

Did it and got rid of the toxic people. Living now a very peaceful life. Just because you are born into a family doesn’t mean it is a healthy one to be in it can be toxic to you, it is up to you to be happy in this life, you more then deserve it as life is a short one. ~ Shirley Smith

My main rule that I go by is try to be helpful to those in need, but do not allow yourself to be used or taken advantage of. Hopefully they could be there for you in your time of need. ~ Rick London 

Be good to all. Never ruin your inner goodness, don’t be rude, but when you feel that your goodness, your kindness, your self is being used by others, then it would be much better not to waste precious self for others. There is no use of collecting worthless stones and rubbish for the cost of tender feelings and sincerity. ~ Tanveer Zaib 

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