Those who notice the heaviness in your heart


You should only surround yourself with people that care about you and are there for you through it all. No matter what those are the ones we need most in our lives not the ones that are selfish and care only about themselves. ~ Kathy Kumm 
It’s amazing who the real friends are that becomes very apparent when you go through the toughest of times and they stand by your side to help guide you through and then you do that in turn for them because the caring comes from the heart and the understanding is there because of that or they may have travelled the same path. The rest are not really interested as it’s what they could take from you not what they could give back to you. That’s a true friend. ~ Sharanne Heenan 
People who loves us is the one who can read our minds, just a simple looking at the eyes, speechless words can understand how far the damaged been done. Heart to heart talk is not a waste of time but a fulfilled listener is both a gift from nowhere hard to explain. ~ Catalina Trinidad 


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