Three Simple Rules in Life

Three Simple Rules in Life

Three Simple Rules in Life…

Get to know your fears to overcome them. You will only be brave when you understand fear. 

My motto never surrenders & keep moving forward. Right foot in front of left & keep on going!

Moving forward is key. Going after what you want, and asking can be a little rough. Overcoming the fear of rejection can be a huge roadblock. ~ Taylor Brooks

I have 1 simple rule in my life – FAITH! God gives me the courage & strength to go after what I want. The answers to my questions & prayers and daily directs my steps forward. ~ Tena Jones 

If you are surrounded by people who don’t listen to your request or need or disregard it, remove them from your life. ~ Joni Murphy

If you always do what you have always done, you’ll always have what you always have had. ~ Jack Canfield

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Three Simple Rules in Life

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