When others betrayed you

When others betrayed you

Forgiveness will release the pain. It means that you have released it and given it to God. True repentance will allow you to forgive. I promise, I don’t know your circumstances but I know that when I released it gave me freedom. Spiritually and God was able to use me in other areas of my life. ~ Lisa Gonzalez 
Forgiveness is a choice, remember the pain has come from ignorant immature idiot children not knowing any better, that place of pain needs time, you will not be the same, you will be better. ~ Rhonda Cutler
My advice to all who struggle with forgiveness ( for let’s face it, some things are unforgivable) is to forgive yourself for being unable to forgive. This too will bring you peace. Namaste! ~ Carol McGaffin 
Forgive and grow my friends. Spend your time becoming the best version of yourself not being angry and hurt by something that is in the past. Much love and peace to all of you! ~ To Fu Phy 
Forgiveness doesn’t mean you forget. It gives you permission to move on.

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