When people treat you like they don’t care

When people treat you like they don't care

Trust your instinct, place your feelings to the side, walk in the light, the truth will free you. They just don’t have it in them to care and no matter how nice you are, no matter what you do you can’t make them care. Stop leaping over oceans when they would not jump over. Go ahead and free yourself. Give yourself a chance. There is someone that will care about you. Stop caring about them and care about yourself. Stop making excuse & start from today! ~ Tonya Venable

At any moment or stage in the relationship if the other side said to you that she/he doesn’t care anymore, just turn your back and continue your life without any regrets. Otherwise believe me, the consequences will be very bad and hurts more than you imagine. Just respect your dignity and leave. There is no second chance in such things. ~ Hisham Al-Halawani 

Sometimes it’s hard to believe especially we used to be very close and help each other. She turn to cold attitude in private and trying to act like all it’s my problem in public. It’s hurting me! ~ Wan Chang 

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