When you forgive someone in life

When you forgive someone in life

Forgiveness doesn’t let the other person off the hook, it sets you free to live again. 
Forgive anything gives us peace of mind. Life is too short to think again and again on same thing. Learn to romance with life of nature. Romance with your own heart and ALSO SEE YOUR OWN SMILE FACE AT YOUR OWN MIRROR DAILY. ~ Sandeep Sharma 
When you seek revenge you give the power back to the other person because you are no longer the victim, you are the abuser and you’ve become what you claim to be against! ~ Mike Brash 
When we forgive ourselves first, then we can forgive others. This is the only way to let go without being haunted by anger, resentment, hostility and hurt. Forgiveness is a personal step towards our growth and evolution as a species. It is the only way we move forward and release the restraining grasp that our combined history as a planet has on us. It doesn’t mean we forget the past, but it means that we forgive for the sake of a better future where we don’t make the same mistakes. It means we accept people and their differences, by accepting our own differences. This is how we respect one another and this is how we start to heal the planet. This is how we grow individually and globally. This is forgiveness!

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