You need to learn to respect & take care of yourself

We have to make sure we respect other people’s boundaries too. Guilt is a negative, toxic emotion. I try to fix what I’ve done wrong, but if I can’t, it does no good to beat myself up needlessly. ~ R J Gray 

Sometimes taking care of yourself is difficult for others to respect but if I don’t take care of myself, no one else will know me. I try to be kind and understanding, stay positive, learn to say “no!” ~ Diane Kulesza 

You have to value yourself and your own survival. We’re not on this planet long enough to spend precious time beating ourselves up. As long as I don’t deliberately hurt anyone (and apologize profusely if I accidentally to that) there’s not much more I can do. I can’t start every day with a litany of my mistakes because every day is a chance to do better, not look back. I try learn and not make the same mistake twice. ~ R J Gray


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